101 Dalmatians

Since my color analysis of 101 Dalmatians (1961) still is the main reason people are attracted to this blog I've created this page to provide easier access to these very long posts. Especially the first and second one haven't been appearing lately by clicking on the "dalmatians" tag because they are too long altogether.

Color in 101 Dalmatians: an introduction
A few paragraphs on key artists like Ken Anderson, Walt Peregoy and Ernie Nordli as well as general notes about analyzing color and how 101 Dalmatians is different from the Disney features that preceded it.


Color in 101 Dalmatians: 1. Home Sweet Home 
This post is primarily about color temperature as displayed in the interior locales of the first three sequences. Beige, blue and green objects define much of the first act.

Color in 101 Dalmatians: 2. In a different light
The initially established color palette for London interiors is subtly adapted to narrative and emotional needs. There's also an excursus focusing on the different DVD versions available and on color values.

Color in 101 Dalmatians: 3. Cruella DeVil
Red is only utilized very sparsely throughout the movie. And apart from some typical English letter boxes, red is reserved for Cruella DeVil, though only flashing when she's opening her coat.

Color in 101 Dalmatians: 4. There's no place like London
After spending so much time with interiors I finally focus on the London exteriors in order to complete the analysis of this part of the film.

101 Dalmatians: Switching Perspectives
This post is not on color but on more general aspects of film narration that I have been thinking about ever since I noticed a pair of binoculars among Roger’s stuff.

For a chronological sequence breakdown please look at (and read) Mark Mayerson's mosaics based on Hans Perk's draft posts.

Although I’ve expressed my reservations about the way Disney digitally restores their masterpieces, my analysis is based exclusively on the 2008 restoration for consistency reasons (and because it positively looks superior to the previous DVD). In some cases I consulted the old edition just to remind you that the best looking version doesn’t necessarily have to be the most accurate.